Behind the Headlines Case Study: Giuseppe's Spaghetti Eating Competition

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Behind the Headlines Case Study: Giuseppe's Spaghetti Eating Competition

Want your business or community organisation featured in the media?

In this Behind the Headlines Case Study, we take you behind the scenes so you can see how a local business can gain media coverage (WITHOUT advertising dollars or media industry expertise!)

Step by step, we walk you through a media campaign for Giuseppe's Italian Spaghetti Eating Competition*.  We show you how Giuseppe creates a newsworthy story, pitches to the media, and comes up with exciting visuals. You'll see how to put together a media call, and the resulting local media coverage across print, television and radio. 

This Behind the Headlines case study is perfect for small business owners or community organisations who want to get featured in their local media. It uses a local restaurant as an example, but the simple strategies work for any type of industry - showing you how to create publicity that gets noticed.

In just 60 minutes, we'll take you through:

  • Overview of a PR Campaign Plan
  • Media Release Example
  • Pitching to Target Media
  • Behind the Scenes TV Interview Videos with Two Spokespeople plus Overlay Vision
  • Behind the Scenes Radio Phone Interview Audio
  • Behind the Scenes Photography Examples
  • TV News Bulletin Example
  • Radio News Bulletin Example
  • Newspaper Article Example

PLUS you'll receive customisable templates, which you can use again and again:

  • PR Campaign Plan
  • Media Release Template

You gain lifetime access to this Behind the Headlines Case Study, so you can re-visit it whenever you need.

*Giuseppe's Italian Restaurant is a fictional business created for the learning purposes of this case study, and characters are portrayed by actors. However, the campaign plan and results are indicative of real businesses. 

AUD 29
Total due AUD 29

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